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Prevent Morning Breath With These Tips

Prevent Morning Breath With These Tips

Halitosis, or morning breath, is experienced by all. Don’t worry, you are not alone.

Here are some tips on how to prevent morning breath so you can wake up feeling fresh and a little happier.

What causes morning breath?

The answer can be found in your mouth – bacteria. During sleep, the flow of saliva slows down, and the natural microorganisms in your mouth do “the happy dance” – feasting, multiplying, and eventually dying. As the bacteria in your mouth break down the natural substances in your mouth like cells, food debris, blood, and saliva, they leave byproducts and volatile sulfur compounds, causing foul-smelling chemicals in your mouth.

Other contributing factors include:

  • Daily medications like prescribed blood pressure pills or antihistamines which cause dry mouth.
  • Mouth breathing or snoring while sleeping, which dry your mouth further.
  • Cigarette smoking.
  • Seasonal allergies which cause bacteria’s favorite food: post-nasal drainage.
  • Poor dental hygiene, which causes plaque buildup.

Fret not, if you are armed with these morning breath prevention tips, you have a fighting chance of waking up fresh.

Eradicating morning breath

Keep your tongue clean

The back of your tongue is one of bacteria’s best hiding places. Step up your dental hygiene game by using a tongue scraper.

Brush, floss, rinse

Do this especially before hitting the sack at night, and be sure not to eat any late-night snacks after you brush. To reduce postnasal drip and kill odor-causing bacteria, you may also gargle with salt water.

Keep hydrated

Dry mouth is the main culprit of morning breath. Water aids in saliva production, flushes your system of toxins, and reduces the number of bacteria living in your mouth.

See your Dallas dentist

Be consistent in keeping your preventative dental appointments. If you have observed these morning breath prevention tips and your problem still persists, be sure to bring it to their attention on your next visit. Your Dallas dentist is a great resource for additional helpful tips and can provide needed treatments for severe cases. If you breathe through your mouth while you sleep, be sure to talk to your physician and your dentist about potential sleep apnea.


“Halitosis,” John Hopkins Medicine, https://www.hopkinsmedicine.org/health/conditions-and-diseases/halitosis-bad-breath

“Oral malodour (halitosis),” National Library of Medicine, https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1570844/

“Bad breath,” Mayo Clinic, https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/bad-breath/diagnosis-treatment/drc-20350925
