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Did you know that millions of work hours are lost on a yearly basis due to poor oral health?
Your job is a minefield, most especially when it comes to oral health. Snacking, stress, and even the occasional happy hour, can put your gums and teeth in jeopardy.
Below are some tips for maintaining good oral health at work, as well as some major risks to look out for.
It can be so easy to get tempted at the bowls of snacks and candy on practically everyone’s desks, and a sugary coffee drink or a caffeinated beverage in the late afternoon is the norm. If you are now working from home, you are most likely a few steps away from the pantry rich with sugary goodies. Yes, it can be very hard to resist snacks. However, it’s best to resist them, since starchy or sugary snacks can wreak havoc on your teeth. Below are some of the major offenders:
Deadlines, projects, and quotas can produce some of the major stresses in your life. No wonder, stress at work can cause you to indulge in some unhealthy habits, like jaw clenching, teeth grinding, chewing on pens, binge snacking, and nail-biting, all of which can give you gum disease, tooth damage, as well as canker sores.
As much as it helps you unwind after a long day at work, alcohol isn’t great for your teeth. Alcohol can be the cause of gum disease, oral cancer, dry mouth, and tooth decay. They are high in citric acids and sugar, which can damage the tooth enamel, irritate mouth sores, and make your teeth more prone to cavities.
This has happened to many of us – you are munching while working and suddenly, you feel that un-oh sensation. Maybe the ice cube was the culprit, maybe it was hard candy, and sure enough, when you looked at the mirror, you spotted a cracked or chipped tooth.
But you have a project due at the end of the day. Or an important meeting in an hour. Surely, it’s fine to wait a few days before going to your Dallas dentist, right? Wrong. When it comes to dental injuries, time is of the essence.