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Keeping Good Oral Hygiene While Travelling

Keeping Good Oral Hygiene While Travelling

Labor Day is fast approaching, and it is the perfect time to travel, kick back, relax, and enjoy your time with family. However, as fun as they are, vacations can make you neglect your oral health.

Ensure that you and your family are keeping your gums and teeth healthy along the way. Follow the tips on how to keep a good oral hygiene while travelling below.

Pack properly

If you are planning on going out on a road trip, be sure to keep your essential supplies handy. This includes a toothbrush, floss, and a tube of toothpaste. Keep them in a place where you can get to them easily, like in your glove compartment.

Pack an extra toothbrush

It’s not uncommon to lose a toothbrush during a trip. Do not forget to pack an extra so you are always covered.

Go small

Go for compact dental hygiene products. Choose small bottles of mouthwash, mini toothpastes, and foldable toothbrushes. 

Protect your toothbrush

Your toothbrush needs air! To avoid moisture from being locked inside and encourage bacterial growth, use a toothbrush holder with holes. Also, make sure that you air-dry your toothbrush before putting it away.

Pack healthy snacks

Bring tooth-friendly foods like celery, apples, and baby carrots as well as healthy snacks like yogurt tubes, string cheese, plain nuts, or whole grain crackers. Pack water instead of soda or sugar-free beverages instead of sugary drinks.

Be mindful of what you eat

People tend to indulge more and change their eating habits while on a vacation. Watch what you eat, and keep in mind that prolonged or increased exposure to sugar can harm your teeth.

Bring gum

On car rides or flights, chew sugar-free gum with xylitol to encourage the production of saliva and rinse away food particles.

It is equally important to visit your Dallas dentist before you leave. Do not leave home if you are experiencing any discomfort in your mouth. Make an appointment with your dentist; the last thing you want is for a dental emergency to happen when you are far from home. In case there is trouble brewing, leave ample time to schedule a follow-up visit before your trip.
