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Oral Health: Preparing for Fall

Oral Health: Preparing for Fall

The autumn brings with it an assortment of new things, and for many, it is characterized by 3F’s – family, football, and food. However, keep in mind that all that time spent around the family table during Thanksgiving and at the grill can increase the risk of tooth decay! All the social gatherings and holiday feasts are abundant with indulgent treats that make navigating this season tricky when it comes to maintaining good oral health. Your Dallas dentist would like to share a few oral health tips to help your family prepare for the upcoming holiday season.

Don’t forget your dental appointments

It can be easy to forget about your family’s dental appointments that are set months in advance, so if you haven’t already visited your dentist this year, now’s a great time! Check your insurance benefits and take advantage of unused ones that may still be available. Be on top of this since they are benefits that you have already paid for.

Eat and drink healthy

Pumpkin spiced treats are plentiful this time of the year, but all beverages and foods that have high sugar content can all contribute to tooth decay. Choose fiber-rich veggies and fruits instead. Great examples are celery, apples, and carrots, which help stimulate saliva production and help prevent bacteria build-up. Reach for dairy products that are great sources of phosphates, vitamin D, and calcium like yogurt and milk. These foods and drinks that have high calcium content can help rebuild your enamel and strengthen your bones.

Good oral hygiene is key

Like all other seasons, practicing great oral hygiene is always key to maintaining good oral health. We’d like to share three simple but highly effective tips:

  • As suggested by the American Dental Association, visit a dentist every 6-12 months for a routine cleaning and to pinpoint potential oral health issues.
  • Brush your teeth twice a day for two minutes every time.
  • To remove food residue stuck in your teeth, do not forget to floss!

Maintaining good oral health this fall season is not mission impossible. By maintaining good, regular oral hygiene habits, being mindful of what you eat and drink, and visiting your Dallas dentist, you can have your pumpkin pie and eat it too!


“American Dental Association Statement on Regular Dental Visits,” American Dental Association, https://www.ada.org/en/press-room/news-releases/2013-archive/june/american-dental-association-statement-on-regular-dental-visits

“Chart of high-fiber foods,” Mayo Clinic, https://www.mayoclinic.org/healthy-lifestyle/nutrition-and-healthy-eating/in-depth/high-fiber-foods/art-20050948
