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Keeping Fit and Healthy During the Time of Covid-19

Keeping Fit and Healthy During the Time of Covid-19 | Dallas Dentist

The Covid-19 pandemic has considerably changed life as we know it. Staying at home, for one, is important in the fight against the virus. However, being quarantined at home has taken its toll on our physical and mental well-being.

A lot of health advice can be summarized in simple behaviors, such as exercising, eating a balanced diet, and getting enough sleep. During this time, keeping fit and healthy is very essential for maintaining not only your physical health, but your emotional and mental well-being.

But you may ask, how am I supposed to exercise when I’m stuck at home? How can I eat right when I am constantly eating non-perishable food? How can I sleep well when I’m worried about practically everything?

Dr. Sarah Kong, your Dallas dentist, shares this guide.


Before you head out to stock up on groceries, it’s crucial to have a plan. This will ensure that you get all the essential things your family needs while avoiding wiping out community supplies. Take a careful inventory of what you have, and plan around your available items to create meals that include proteins, starch, and produce.

Many are stocking up on canned goods and grains, but it’s actually wise to buy fresh produce. Cut them up, put them in your freezer, and they will be good for months to come. There are also starches and vegetables that keep for a long time outside the freezer like brussels sprouts, broccoli, and sweet potatoes.

Stress eating might be common nowadays, but do your best to channel that feeling into something productive, like reading a good book, talking to a friend, or writing about your feelings.


The World Health Organization recommends 75 minutes of vigorous physical activity and 150 minutes of moderate physical activity. The gyms might be closed, but you can still bike, walk, or run outside. Just be sure that you keep a safe distance. A lot of gym instructors are also offering online classes, and you might want to take advantage of that.

If you want to exercise at home, why not get creative with the things you already have in the house? Use dish towels for sliders, wine bottles for weights, or a chair for step-ups. Burpees, squats, push-ups, and planks require no equipment. You can even do these exercises in a small space!

Sleep and stress

Keeping your anxiety and stress in check is essential for getting good sleep. And we all know that adequate sleep is important in all aspects of our health.

Meditation and yoga are wonderful tools for stress management. Research on virtual classes, or maybe your local studio is streaming online classes.

Why not dedicate a specific area in your home that is technology-free (except maybe for a speaker)? Stock this area with items that relax you, like a scented candle, your favorite pillows and blankets, or some house plants. This will be your place to read a good book, to journal, or to reflect.

Balance your me-time with a healthy dose of social interaction. This way, you will still feel connected to family and friends even when you’re at home.

While practicing social distancing and self-quarantining are essential, our minds and bodies still need adequate nutrition, enough sleep, and exercise to keep fit and healthy during quarantine. Keep in mind these tips, and take action! It will surely lift your spirits up during this challenging time.


“Stay physically active during self-quarantine,” World Health Organization, https://www.euro.who.int/en/health-topics/health-emergencies/coronavirus-covid-19/technical-guidance/stay-physically-active-during-self-quarantine

“Why Do We Need Sleep?,” The Sleep Foundation, https://www.sleepfoundation.org/articles/why-do-we-need-sleep

“Shopping for Food During the COVID-19 Pandemic,” U.S. FDA, https://www.fda.gov/food/food-safety-during-emergencies/shopping-food-during-covid-19-pandemic-information-consumers
